New Year’s Resolutions
Dr. Cynthia Gonzalez, DPT, OCS, ATC

By now 2018 is well under way. For some of you those New Year’s resolutions are already forgotten. Those of you who put in a valiant effort may begin to waver by Valentine’s Day with all its emphasis on sweets. So, DO NOT DESPAIR!
Your gentle reminder is here! It’s OK to lose focus – for a SHORT time! Don’t let that sidetrack your quest to better fitness or to better health or to lose weight.
Exercise has many health benefits that will pay dividends well into the future. From stress reduction, cardiovascular health, bone health and more, exercise is an essential element of self care even for those who do not wish to lose weight. The American Heart Association recommends adults exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes five times a week OR vigorous activity for 25 minutes 3 days a week. Plus, moderate to high intensity strengthening activity at least 2 days a week.
Having a physical therapist can be a tremendous advantage to assist you in finding the right exercises for you. There is no “perfect exercise.” Everybody is different and every body is different. Physical therapists are the movement specialists of the healthcare world. We can help you find good workouts for where your body is now, as well as strengthen your body so you can do the workout or event of your dreams and avoid injury.
However, you cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet! Poor diets can derail any exercise plan.
Dietary needs vary widely from individual to individual, but overall it’s best to avoid highly processed foods. These foods tend to be full of salt and easily digestible sugars that can spike appetite. No good. Speak to us about nutrition or we can help you find a qualified registered dietitian.
Check us out here at Orthopedic Rehabilitation Specialists!
Although we do specialize in orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapy, ALL of our physical therapists are trained in running injury prevention and sports rehab, and many of our therapists have earned prestigious orthopedic certifications like the OCS and CFMT. We can help you figure out where to start, how to progress and how to keep your body healthy so you can continue to achieve all of your goals.
American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adult Updated: Dec 14,2017
New Year’s Resolutions
By Cynthia Gonzalez, DPT, OCS, ATC
By now 2018 is well under way. For some of you those New Year’s resolutions are already forgotten. Those of you who put in a valiant effort may begin to waver by Valentine’s Day with all its emphasis on sweets. So, DO NOT DESPAIR!
Your gentle reminder is here! It’s OK to lose focus – for a SHORT time! Don’t let that sidetrack your quest to better fitness or to better health or to lose weight.
Exercise has many health benefits that will pay dividends well into the future. From stress reduction, cardiovascular health, bone health and more, exercise is an essential element of self care even for those who do not wish to lose weight. The American Heart Association recommends adults exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes five times a week OR vigorous activity for 25 minutes 3 days a week. Plus, moderate to high intensity strengthening activity at least 2 days a week.
Having a physical therapist can be a tremendous advantage to assist you in finding the right exercises for you. There is no “perfect exercise.” Everybody is different and every body is different. Physical therapists are the movement specialists of the healthcare world. We can help you find good workouts for where your body is now, as well as strengthen your body so you can do the workout or event of your dreams and avoid injury.
However, you cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet! Poor diets can derail any exercise plan.
Dietary needs vary widely from individual to individual, but overall it’s best to avoid highly processed foods. These foods tend to be full of salt and easily digestible sugars that can spike appetite. No good. Speak to us about nutrition or we can help you find a qualified registered dietitian.
Check us out here at Orthopedic Rehabilitation Specialists!
Although we do specialize in orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapy, ALL of our physical therapists are trained in running injury prevention and sports rehab, and many of our therapists have earned prestigious orthopedic certifications like the OCS and CFMT. We can help you figure out where to start, how to progress and how to keep your body healthy so you can continue to achieve all of your goals.
American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adult Updated: Dec 14,2017